Talks and Conferences

Talks, Conferences, Fairs

Let’s meet in person

In this webinar, community member Sabine Wojcieszak will share seven insights from her five years of experience as an international speaker coach. This webinar is suitable for everyone who wants to speak more confidently, whether on stage or in a meeting room.

Public speaking is an excellent opportunity to get more visibility – for yourself, your company, your product, or your project. And we should take this chance, even though this means for most of us to get out of our comfort zone.

From being nervous or fearing stage fright to the horror of forgetting our words, there are many “reasons” why people avoid these odds.

But that doesn’t have to be the case! With simple hacks, you can excel in your speaking skills and deliver a performance that will stick to the audience’s heads.

From the beginning of your preparation, the story you tell up to the performance in this session, you will learn seven hacks that will help you boost your visibility and calm your nerves – whether at a public conference, a customer presentation, or a team meeting. And it is not all about your PowerPoint!

8. Mai 2024
Management 3.0
– members only –

About pink elephants, giant giraffes or how to deal with uncertainties & risk in complex environments

Maik will be delivering a talk on risk management Agile risk management enables teams to assess risks based on the latest scientific findings and helps them make effective decisions. As usual in the agile methodology, feedback loops also help to improve risk management continuously.

In this talk, Maik will present ideas and methods for easily applying scientific and quantitative risk management to agile projects. The audience will learn how intuitive statistics and models help to make risks more comprehensible.

10. Mai 2024
Agile Delivery Guild
Cambridge (Online)

Security vulnerabilities pose a pervasive threat across all stages of DevOps, and it’s crucial to integrate security seamlessly into the development process. By placing security at the heart of DevOps, DevSecOps underscores the importance of mitigating potential risks of exploitation. While security experts identify vulnerabilities and propose fixes, the challenge lies in effectively communicating risks and prioritizing fixes within the fast-paced world of DevOps. (…)

20. Mai 2024

Happiness will follow success is a strong belief that manifests itself in many human brains.

However, for more than two decades, researchers of Positive Psychology and neuroscientists have been telling us that this is not true; instead, it is the other way around: we need to be happy, and then we are ready to become successful! (…)

23.24. May 2024
Vilnius (LT)

As complexity increases, so do the uncertainties and, thus, the risks. In projects, teams take on the task of balancing risks and opportunities to make crucial decisions. To do this, teams often use scales and the risk matrix. However, according to studies, these methods have significant weaknesses. (…)

23.24. May 2024
Vilnius (LT)